Better, faster, easier

Better, faster, easier

We're senior engineers and veteran assessment experts. We're building a better kind of recruiting firm. Here's how.

What is Otherbranch?

At our core, we're a third-party recruiting firm. Unlike most firms, however, we do interviews with candidates ourselves in order to make strong guarantees about quality.

Start with skills

Imagine the signal you could get if you could replace 15-minute calls with full interviews. That’s what we do. And we're good at it.

Anyone we refer to you has already passed a full, face-to-face, standardized interview with a senior engineer.

Less screening work, better candidates

Our team has worked together before. And when we did, we delivered 75% better onsite pass rates at selective Silicon Valley startups (primarily YC companies) - even though those companies were not doing any pre-onsite screenings of their own.

Talent the market
can't find

Most agencies rely on the same proxies as everyone else - the same resumes, the same schools. But that means excellent engineers get left on the table, unable to ever show what they can do.

If you have hard credential requirements, we'll work with them. But our biggest strength is that we can find people whose skills are exceptional but whose credentials are not.

Comparison & pricing

Sourcing sites like LinkedIn Recruiter


Manual sourcing

No pre-interviewing

Low onsite pass rate

Candidates may be inactive

No support contacting candidates

Miss skilled people w/o credentials


on hire

Sourcing done for you


High onsite pass rate

Active candidates

Support contacting candidates

Find skilled people w/o credentials

Traditional recruiters


on hire

Sourcing done for you

No pre-interviewing

Intermediate onsite pass rate

Active candidates

Support contacting candidates

Miss skilled people w/o resumes

Hiring engineers?